Tokyo s geography , history and population geography of tokyo 东京的地理历史和人口
In this part , the basic theories of the paper , which are population geography , spatial autocorrelation and gis , are narrated 笔者在这部分详细阐述了河南省人口空间动态特征研究的基本理论,即人口地理学、空间自相关、地理信息系统。
Thereinto , population geography includes population distribution , population quality as well as population structure , and gis contains spatial analysis as well as space visualization 人口地理学基本理论分为人口地域分布、人口素质和人口结构三部分内容,地理信息系统原理则从空间分析和空间可视化模拟技术两方面展开论述。
In this part , the theory and technology based on is analyzed on the view of demography , population geography and gis . moreover , the sense is revealed for sustainable development of henan . eventually , research thought of the paper is given according to actuality of henan and the data collected 在这部分中,笔者从人口学、人口地理学以及地理信息系统技术的角度分析了本文研究的理论和技术基础,然后层层深入揭示本研究对于河南的可持续发展的意义,最后根据河南省现状和收集的资料情况,确定了论文的研究思路。